Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Component Critical

The band would like to apologize to all the fans for the lengthy delay in any kind of update.

The proceeds from the last tour have helped Krew Ton purchase a new home, RĂ© d'Onion a new car, and Art E. Choke tuition money for his backup plan of a Masters for the possibility of the breakup of the band if it ever happens. You can't be too careful kids, remember that.

In other news, the band is in the process of finalizing some new studio space to call their own, and there may be the possibility of a fourth face contributing to some new material. Details on the newcomer will follow once the band decides it fits in the grand scheme of things.

In music related news, Art has been hard at work experimenting with some new sounds to bring to the next record. Look for some prog rock influence as well as some more bluesy melodies to anchor the forthcoming material.